Bluebelle is very loving.
She had so many beans when she was kitten that I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to keep up with energy – she always wanted to play! Now she is a mum, all her energies are focused on her kittens and she is an amazingly devoted mother.
Her pedigree, or “family tree”, going back a long way is only Siamese in the original colours: seal, choc, blue and lilac, which is extremely hard to find.
We have shown Bluebelle within the international TICA registry, where she has had the good fortune to be the first ever Old Style Siamese (called Thai in TICA) to gain the title of Champion in the UK; and has also been awarded Best of Breed 2012 for the TICA Western Europe region.
* Special thanks go to Lynda Allard, Bluebelle’s breeder, for entrusting us with one of her “babies”… thank you, Lynda, for breeding such a wonderful companion and a very special mum!